There are several companies that offer affordable auto insurance premiums by state, such as Pennsylvania and Delaware. These states have lower premiums and claims compared to states such as New York, Los Angeles or New Jersey.
Then there are states that have extremely high auto insurance premiums by state.
There are at least three main reasons why there are states that are know as the best and worst states for auto insurance premiums. One reason is that these states have a much higher accident rate compared to states that do not. For instance, Downstate, New York City, New York is over crowded, especially during morning and evening rush hours. More vehicles as well as commercial vehicles are on the roads. When more vehicles are on the road, there is a greater chance of one having an accident.
There are at least three main reasons why there are states that are know as the best and worst states for auto insurance premiums. One reason is that these states have a much higher accident rate compared to states that do not. For instance, Downstate, New York City, New York is over crowded, especially during morning and evening rush hours. More vehicles as well as commercial vehicles are on the roads. When more vehicles are on the road, there is a greater chance of one having an accident.